Hi, I'm Jim
Web developer, creative problem solver and avid wrestling fan. Here’s a collection of my work. Have a scroll at your leisure.
Payworks Platform
This project was a challenge to make a platform for accountants to easily
manage their invoices. Using a large amount of data, I designed and built this app in
consideration of the hypothetical user's goals.
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React Patagonia-ish
This project was a challenge to remake an existing page from the Patagonia
website. Using Vite, this React app is built with TypeScript, using components that are stored in
Storybook and unit-tested.
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House Marketplace
This project involved creating a marketplace for listing properties for
rent/sale. Built with React, you can create accounts with data stored in Firebase, create property
listings and enquire to owners.
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Steve Dillon Exhibition
This project was to build a site to promote a touring exhibition, showcasing
the work of a comic book artist. I designed and routed this React app for optimal UX/UI, including
dynamic features like an artwork carousel.
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Yelyah Branding
This was a role at a branding agency. Here, I built on a template created by
the company founder/designer, using WordPress features and custom CSS/JS to customise the site to spec.
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London Fields User Group
This was a role at a local park advocacy group. Here, I wireframed,
designed, themed and built the site using WordPress features and custom CSS.
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Go Cars
This was a role at a regional taxi company. Here, I provided a website audit
for bugs and UI optimisation, before implementing the improvements using the WordPress Divi theme and
custom CSS.
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Glyn Dillon, Artist
This was a role with an artist, as a place for him to showcase his artwork
for an upcoming exhibition. It includes a clickable carousel, built-in Mailchimp subscrption and a
functional contact form.
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Bernard Dillon, British Artist
This was a role with an artist, as a place for him to digitally store his
artwork and chronicle his career. This includes multiple carousels and an intuitive family tree graphic.
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Midcard Wrestling
My very first dev project, this is a blog site dedicated to my fandom of
professional wrestling. It includes a blog listing page and a fun Top-Trumps style game created with JS.
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Jim's Sports Blog
This project was a site for sports blogs, undertaken to develop my WordPress
skills. Included are dummy blog posts and a fake subscription page.
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